Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Getting back into the groove

And here I am changing it all up. 

So I have decided that I should purge my mind some more on here since really I have been taking photos every day to continue my project 365 into another year. 

I have recently ventured into a Gluten Free diet (loosely) and lost 14 pounds over the last 4 weeks. I have been tracking my success on www.myfitnesspal.com and my August Goal was reached last week so this week will be a good time to jump start on my September one! 

I have gone through a lot in the past year (as seen in the last post) and it is time to organize myself, starting with my social media. 

I know it seems silly because a blog is a blog and a Twitter is a Twitter but I changed all my cover photos/backgrounds to match because well that is branding and it will keep me more on track. Plus I am on a huge gray and yellow kick to bare with me ;) 

Oh and Twitter? @StephanieTypes I ramble. It is awesome. 

My current state is 'The Girl Whose Hair is on Fire" & I love my job. 

That is all for now, must get to work. Stay tuned!


  1. Love the hair! I just started a new diet too - no junk (hah!).

    1. Thanks so much! I love my salon and good luck. Are you on MyFitnessPal? We can encourage each other :)
